Become a Member of The Psychoanalytic Society

If you are a graduate, faculty member, or candidate of the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, we encourage you to join The Psychoanalytic Society of the Postdoctoral Program, Inc. The Psychoanalytic Society offers graduates the opportunity to maintain a continued experience with Postdoc and to connect with their collegial psychoanalytic community unrelated to track affiliation. The Psychoanalytic Society creates events, sponsors activities, and provides learning and teaching opportunities for all members.

Benefits of Membership – Members of The Psychoanalytic Society are eligible to participate in the following activities/benefits:

  • Postdoctoral Referral Service Online Directory (for graduate and faculty members)
  • Scholar’s Grant: Graduate and Candidate Members are eligible to apply for an individual or group Scholar’s Grant (stipends of $1,500 to $3,000), designed to jump-start promising academic, clinical, research, or creative projects in psychoanalysis;
  • Spring Gala and Other Social Activities
  • Mini-Courses: Members of The Psychoanalytic Society design and teach courses in their areas of expertise (academic or non-academic). Attendance is free for members.
  • Open Forums: Members are encouraged to form small discussion groups for exchange of ideas, feelings, and in-depth work; • Film Discussion Group: Members meet to discuss films relevant to themes important to psychoanalysis and therapeutic work.
  • Free Copy of Video on Bernie Kalinkowitz, founder of the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis in 1961: Bernie Kalinkowitz: The Man and His Legacy.

To Join The Psychoanalytic Society as a new member, please complete the form below and make payment (if dues are applicable*) via the credit card or PayPal options below.

*There are no dues if you have graduated within the last year or are a candidate. Please complete the form, check your membership category, and submit. (No payment is due.)

Please click Submit to send this form electronically and then make payment via credit card or PayPal options below the form. You may also print the form and mail it to: The Psychoanalytic Society 1310 Egypt Road, #554 Oaks, PA 19456
Graduate Membership $125
Recent Graduate (1- 5 years ago) $75
Fully Retired or Financial Hardship $50

To Pay via PayPal, click here