The Psychoanalytic Society offers graduates, faculty members, or candidates of the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis the opportunity to maintain a continued experience with Postdoc and to connect with their collegial psychoanalytic community unrelated to track affiliation. The Psychoanalytic Society creates events, sponsors activities, and provides learning and teaching opportunities for all members.
Benefits of Membership – (See Become a Member Page for the full list of benefits).
Renew Membership (to pay by credit card, please click on membership category below.)
To Pay via PayPal, click here
If you are a New Graduate (graduated last year) or a Candidate Member, your membership is provided free of charge. Please complete and submit the form on “Become a Member Page” to renew your membership. No Payment required, but we need to receive your renewal.
If you are a Graduate Member who would like to have a listing on the Postdoctoral Online Referral Directory, please complete and submit the form on “Become a Member Page to advise our administrator or contact our administrator at [email protected].
If you would like to serve on a committee, be considered to serve on the Board, or submit a proposal to teach a mini-course, contact our administrator at [email protected].